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How To Age Gracefully, Healthily, Beautifully And Vibrantly
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
There are a variety of simple things we can do to age gracefully, beautifully and healthily. We can choose to eat a healthy diet, include protein in every meal. We can stimulate our senses; indulge in the sensuous odor of lavender for instance.
We can choose to attain a healthy weight loss if we are overweight. Study the issues that effect women’s health.
Practice natural skin care. One of the biggest issues is dry skin. Learn how to smother your skin with natural anti-aging vitamins and anti aging cosmetics. Don’t just smear the cheapest available creams and cosmetics on your face.
Learn how to be stress free. Or, at least learn how to control stress. And be happy. Happiness is not a gift; it is not a given talent. Happiness needs to be pursued. Go after it; make it your own. Grab it! Seriously, you can choose to be happy. It is your ability to do this. And, you will live longer and healthier.
There are common agers: insulin, cortisol and human growth hormone.
Dr Barry Sears has written much about these hormones and how you can control them naturally. Check out his books from the library. He is an expert in the hormone field.
Free Radical Damage.
Free radicals are molecules that destabilize oxygen. The can enter the body by the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even our own bodies creates them. They attach to our cells and they do to our cells what the air does to a peeled fruit that we see turned brown.
And let’s face it. Life itself will have its toll on us.
So, let’s counteract these agers. Let’s fight back.
First, make health, fitness your daily objectives. Eat a healthy diet. You do not have to go overboard, just be in control. Omega 3 is a known anti aging natural supplement. It is also great for “heart health.”
Manage your stress.
Walk more! Take baths in sensuous smells. Drink green tea. And, do not be stingy with protein. Just make sure it is not high fat protein. Try many of the new soy products available. If you can afford it, go for a massage every now and then.
Make sure you get enough vitamin B6 and B12. Lavender is known to be an anti stress herb. And, it has a terrific smell.
Exercise is so important. Fitness! The more fit, the less stress, the less aging will have its effect on us.
Sleep! Make sure you get enough sleep. This is so important. Not just in bed at a good time, but strive for a fitful sleep.
Take the time to make yourself a plan, a system if you will. Map out your plans for:
Healthy Diet
Exercise and Fitness
Vitamin Supplements
Herbal Supplements
Anti Stress
Drink your 8 glasses of water day
See your doctor regularly
Try and control your numbers naturally, like blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol and thyroid. If you can’t, then do research on the drugs that are available and also the natural remedies that are available. Take control; be involved in your health care starting right now. The best you can do for yourself is to know enough to understand what your doctor will be discussing with you.
Ruth is actively involved with the internet and she finds it very exciting. Her passions are people and pet health. She is a wife, a stepmom a dog owner and a business person. She is married for almost 30 years to Chris who has been, and still is, battling the monster MS. Two of her dogs are Certified Therapy Dogs. She is currently working from her home.
Her Blog www.mimfreedom.com/blog
Her home page: www.mimfreedom.com
Her Pet Blog www.happypetstop.com/blog
What Is The Secret of Anti Aging and How To Stay Young
Would you like to know how to stay young by winning the battle against premature aging? That is the million dollar question. Since ancient times people have been searching for the fountain of youth. Since then we have come a long way. Do you think it is possible to look, feel and be young at any age? Millions of dollars are being spent by individuals and companies in search of a way to stop aging with some success. There are many products that promise a long life and some even claim that they've discovered the secret of anti aging.
Worldwide consumers are spending millions of dollars on various products to stop premature aging. Some of these so called "anti aging" products don't work at all. But, there are some that do work by slowing down aging to a certain degree. Is there a way to slow down aging and remain youthful even in old age?
Do you know that there is no single identifiable gene in your body that is programmed to age you? Scientists say that our generations are living much longer than our ancestors... maybe. During recent experiments on ancient human skeletons certain scientists have proved that some humans actually lived to be a few hundred years old. Were they mistaken? It is possible...But, I think not.
Unfortunately, the common belief is that we can only live to be 80 to 120 years. There are people who in their 30's already feel like 60. On the other hand, there are some who at 60 years old feel as though they were only 30. Could age all be in your mind?
All my life I have been interested in staying young and healthy. I am constantly looking for ways to extend my life and others as well. In the past few years I was searching a lot for techniques and products to discover the secrets of anti aging. I came across some good ones, but 90% of them were just pure rubbish causing me to waste a lot of money. Has this happened to you, too?
Please allow me to share with you some of my findings that have actually worked for me.
1.* Human growth hormone... (HGH) is an endocrine hormone produced by the pituitary gland. This is a top supplement used to combat premature aging. The release of HGH declines as we age and by the time we approach 65 years of age, our pituitary gland is only releasing 15% to 20% of the Human Growth Hormone it did when we were teenagers! 2-AEP is a biological component of our cell wall. It has been identified as a neurotransmitter and helps to build new nerve paths.The 2-AEP mineral carrier is like the Postman, but rather than delivering our mail, 2-AEP delivers the essential minerals to our cell walls. In my experience, to reap the full benefits of HGH you should use a supplement that combines 2-AEP + HGHR ingredients(human growth hormone releaser).
2.* Vitamins & Minerals... The use of non synthetic variety of vitamins and minerals greatly improves your body's ability to ward of diseases. It is very important to use natural vitamins and minerals. Over time synthetic supplements can cause more harm than good. I take organic vitamins and minerals daily to combat premature aging.
3.* Laughter... It is a proven fact that laughter triggers the release of endorphins that produce a general sense of well-being. Endorphins are neurohormones which are the body's natural painkillers. Laughter activates the immune system increasing the number and activity level of natural killer cells that attack viral infected cells and some types of cancer and tumor cells. Studies have proved that laughter decreases stress hormones. Try to laugh as often and as much as possible.
I have discovered many more methods in my quest to prevent premature aging, but there's just too much to list all of them here. What is the secret of anti aging? I believe that I have found some of the best proven formulas to stay young.
If you would like to learn the secrets of anti aging please visit...http://www.nouveauhealth.com/anti-aging
The American Medical Way Can Fight Aging
But what is the American medical way?
More than 22,000 healthy American Doctors were involved in the "Physicians Health study" at Harvard university. The results of the study were published in 1989 and revealed that 1 Aspirin a day reduces the incidence of heart attack by half, and that the drug can also help prevent thrombosis or stroke. AcetylSalicylic acid was first synthesized in 1899 in Germany.
The American Aspirin study, the American cholesterol study, the American drugs for lowering cholesterol and labelling food with its cholesterol content, all participated in making heart diseases are by far more amendable than other chronic serious disease.
Herbs are present in the world for 1000's of years, and some of them are present in Europe for 100 years, but the impetus of the international interest in herbs was intensified after the American way of medicine had adopted herbs to be submitted to heavy, organized, multi-center investigation.
The American medical way when adopted herbal support of liver was contradictory to the predominant classic medical way adopting the adage" Don't whip the exhausted horse", yet it proved to be better than leaving the liver to its miserable fate.
The American way of medicine is now directed to study aging, all and every aspect that can help fight aging. How can we hurry in implementing the new findings to fight aging?
For one to advice others about how to improve their health, he should put safety in the first place. So, apart from the debatable items like hormones which should be prescribed by a physician after lab investigation as a replacement therapy, or to treat life threatening disease ( e.g.cancer), I prefer to only discuss nutrition( macro- and micro-nutrients) in view of the new findings elucidated by the American medical way.
Macro-nutrients are those macromolecules (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) needed by the body more than one time every day in gross amounts calculated by grams. Micro-nutrients are those elements or compounds needed by the body.Some are calculated in milli-grams and others are calculated in micro-grams.They need to be present whether taken daily with food or supplied at intervals.
The question arising here -which is logic- aren't all these nutrients present in our food? and as long as there is no deficiency of a certain nutrient, what is the point of recommending this or that nutrient, moreover, why it is supplied in a fabricated form?
The answer is:
Any nutrient should be absorbed, transported and metabolised, and all these processes involve protein molecules, these molecules act at their maximal activities at young age and upon aging they are submitted to glycation, cross-linking...etc. with an altered response to endogenous hormones.
An example is Sarcopenia ( amino acid and muscle loss with aging) in which there is age associated alteration in the muscle anabolic response to nutritional stimuli and a decline in protein intake. It responds to supply of essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids (Leucine- IsoLeucine- Valine), Leucine was found to have a direct effect on initiation of mRNA translation.
Now, how can you start fight aging the American way?
Cell fullness has a positive effect on metabolism, and cell shrinkage has a negative one. Presence of water inside the cell (which limits its volume is governed by the presence of Potassium which is the predominant element (ion) inside. presence of Potassium in the cell is determined by intake of fruits, vegetables and unprocessed food (processing causes potassium to leak out of the cells), as well as water intake. The best procedure you can do is to take a lot of juices(veg.& fruits).
you should reduce the EXTRA carbohydrates, specially the sugar and starchy stuff in order to :
1- Reduce weight.
2- Reduce fat production.
3- Reduce cholesterol production.
4- Reduce the abundance of sugars that causes glycation of proteins.
5- Increase Growth Hormone secretion.
A special mention is to increasing fiber and essential sugars intake. Avoid carbohydrates intake 2 hours after exercise.
The same old known story of reducing cholesterol and saturated fats (both come from one source i.e.the animal fat) and hydrogenated fats, as well as increasing intake of polyunsaturated acids containing fats (corn, sunflower, canula, soy..etc).I am biased to Soy oil as it contains:
1- Good % of polyunsaturated fatty acids( 61%).
2- good % of Lecithin which has positive effects on bad cholesterol (LDL) and liver cell membranes.
3- Good % of LINOLENIC acid(%7) which produces unmatched pair of prostaglandins, these are, the 3 series of prostaglandins(PG3) which are potent inhibitors of platelet aggregation, and Thromboxane3 (TX3) which are weak aggregators, instead of the 2 series (PG2&TX2) with the net result of thinning blood and making it less sticky. Other good sources of Linolenic acid include Flax seed and Primrose oils.
It should receive a special attention as proteins are the closest macro-molecule to the governing body control regulators; nerves, hormones and DNA. The bottom-line of utilizing proteins to fight aging is to increase its intake with a special care of the essential amino acids.Yet the American medical categorized them into some groups:
1- Neurotransmitters precursors group and includes; Tyrosine - PhenylAlanine - Methionine - Cysteine.
2- Growth hormone secretory activators and includes; Lysine-Arginine(or L-Arginine pyroglutamate if combined with Lysine) Ornithine - Glycine.
3- Muscle weakness (Sarcopenia) group and includes; Primarily the branched chain amino acids(Valine-Leucine-IsoLeucine) besides other essential amino acids.
4- Healing group and includes; Cysteine-Glycine-Threonine.
Some individuals with inborn-error metabolism can't take some amino acids(those with phenylketoneuria can't take phenylalanine), but for the normal persons amino acids have v. important role in the body (Arginine is the precursor of Nitric oxide (NO) which causes relaxation of smooth muscles of blood vessels and is the end product of coronary vasodilators and drugs for impotence like Viagra).
They are classified according to their solubility in water to:-
They include Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. Therapeutic doses of these vitamins are kept for therapeutic indications as their lipid-solubility infers some risks;
1- They can be accumulated over a long period of administration of high doses and stored in the nuclei of the cells.
2- They act mostly like a hormone, their over dose can produce undesirable side effects.
The anti-oxidant properties of some of them make them to be incorporated in some antioxidant preparations, yet the use of these preparation should include some periods of rest. Other alternatives with similar structure and antioxidant effect include:
* Beta-Carotene; the vitamin A precursor of plant origin. It has no effect of vitamin A effects and should be converted in the body into vitamin A, but it is a potent antioxidant and can be used for this purpose. It is present in the orange, yellow and green vegetables and fruits( Carrots-Sweet potatoes-Cantaloupe-Apricot-Pink Grape fruit..).
* Wheat-Germ oil is a rich source of vitamin E,as well as some other fruit oils. It is of great value to the skin.
One of the most widely distributed group of nutrients in nature and in the body. There is no problem of its use in amounts many times higher than its recommended dosage and for any period of time, as long as it is economic, since the surplus amounts are excreted in the urine.
As a group they represent the most important accessories of metabolism. Some of them in high doses are used to treat some disease (vitamin B6 in morning sickness in pregnant women is just one example).
The best source is the pharmaceutical preparations which include them with vitamins.
To summarize the American medical way, here are the 7 basic dietary guidelines presented to the US citizens by their Dept.of Agriculture and Dept.of Health & Human Resources:
1- Eat a variety of foods.
2- Maintain desirable weight.
3- Avoid too much fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
4- Eat food with adequate starch and fibers.
5- Avoid too much sodium.
6- Avoid too much sugar.
7- If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.
I can add: Avoid unnecessary food extras.
Waheed Elqalatawy writes simple scientific articles on health topics for any one who wants to expand his reading horizons about health.
Publish articles but please don't change them and don't forget to include my Url:
Stop Aging by Living in Today
Aging is inevitable. But how you age is entirely up to you. There are many people out there who are struggling with their health and are suffering from things they should not be suffering from. They simply make aging a terrible process by neglecting the medical and technological comforts of our modern world. If you are one of these people, you need to become informed about the incredible medical solutions that are being provided currently. Some of the products that are most neglected also provide the most comfort and use. For instance, many people who are older find it very difficult to breathe. They don’t want to use an oxygen concentrator because they see it as too big of a hassle. “Oxygen concentrators are heavy, bulky and awkward,” they’ll say. “I don’t want to have to carry that around everywhere I go.” This is the thinking of the past. In this day and age, oxygen concentrators have become highly portable and versatile. There are certain types that are absolutely portable, light and easy to carry and when you want to go home, the new oxygen systems have been built with technology that will allow you to be up to 100 feet away from the actual tank. Compare this to just a few years back when you had to stay within 7 feet of the oxygen system and the difference is almost miraculous!
Another product that is widely neglected but highly useful is a lift chair. When people age, walking up and down stairs begins to be extremely difficult, and when you have your laundry room downstairs along with your food storage and everything else is upstairs it’s impossible to avoid using the stairs without doing some major reconstruction on your house. However, there are stair lifts that are very affordable and require only simple installation.
As people age, bones and muscles begin to wear out and people begin to find themselves less and less mobile. This does not need to happen anymore. There are many mobility products now that can make you incredibly mobile both indoors and outdoors. You can choose between getting a mobility scooter which is more for outside or you can get a power chair which is incredibly versatile and easily portable. Either of these options can be used for gardening, shopping, enjoying the outdoors, or even moving around your house. In any case this is a great product for anyone who feels like they are losing their mobility.
With all of these incredible products that are being offered, you should be able to live comfortably for the rest of your life.
Nelson James is a search marketing specialist for Petersen Medical
If you would like to learn more about Oxygen Concentrators or Mobility Equipment, please contact Peterson medical
Anti Aging -- The Biggest Cause Of Facial Wrinkles
Repeated, unconscious muscular contractions.
Our face is a very expressive place and there are many minute muscular contractions taking place all the time. However, with the increased levels of stress we experience in today's fast-paced environment, we find that there are many unnecessary and unconscious contractions taking place.
Often we will be wearing a faint scowl with the corresponding creases between the eyebrows without even realising it. Squinting slightly also produces contractions which encourage the permanent development of those lines at the corners of our eyes and pursed lips do the same for lines around the mouth area.
We understand the value of relaxing the larger muscle groups of our body by either getting a massage, doing some yoga or having a relaxing evening with our close friends and a glass or two of wine, but do we ever consider how to relax our facial muscle groups?
Up until recently it hasn't been possible to do this, but now with the development of Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 this has become an increasingly popular option. Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 works by reducing the reaction of cells to stress hormones, thereby relaxing muscles and allowing fewer wrinkles to be created by unconscious muscular contractions.
It's important to note that it DOES NOT paralyse muscles in the same way that botox (a potent toxic poison) does. Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 is completely safe to use and is applied as a topical application (gel, sera, lotion, cream, etc).
This ingredient alone has been shown to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by an incredible 27% over a 30 day period. As a first step in countering the signs of aging it's difficult to beat, and as part of an holistic approach it delivers very impressive results. Be sure to keep an eye open for this ingredient, you're sure to be seeing more and more companies using this technology.
Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 is a unique new peptide that both reduces the degree of existing facial wrinkles and has been demonstrated effective against their development. Controlled studies have also demonstrated that facial wrinkle depth can be reduced, especially in the forehead and around the eyes, and that Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 can prevent apparent facial skin aging.
Controlled studies have also demonstrated that facial wrinkle depth can be reduced, especially in the forehead and around the eyes, and that Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 can prevent apparent facial skin aging. Skin topographic analysis performed on healthy female volunteers confirmed the validation of the proposed biochemical mechanism of action.
Steve Whitehead is the Managing Director of Sezeur Skincare (http://www.sezeur.com/newclient-a.html) and has seen it grow from just an idea to a company with clients across the world who are absolutely thrilled with the results of Sezeur's leading product, Créme de Jeunesse.
Prevent Aging - Understanding the Powerful Benefits of HGH
Regardless of your age right now, you can enjoy the benefits of looking and feeling better as well as younger and healthier.
Remember these?
Your youthful radiance, appearance, vitality, libido…
It is possible and safe to actually control the biological effects that take place in your body and regain much of how you felt and looked years ago. Biological process’s are the cornerstone of aging ; we all want to SLOW down the aging process!
Some of the more obvious effects of aging include:
- pre-mature fatigue
- age spots on your skin
- shrinkage of your organs
- wasting of your muscles
- diminished libido
- deep wrinkling of your skin
- compromising of your body to so called "age related diseases
The Good news is your body’s pituitary gland naturally produces an amazing hormone called HGH or “Human Growth Hormone”.
This hormone is critical in many of your bodies natural processes such as: tissue repair, muscle growth, building your immune system, healing, sexual function, brain function, physical and mental health, bone strength, energy, metabolism and weight loss.
The problem is as early as 18 years of age we start to produce less and less of this hormone naturally. By age 60, your pituitary gland releases, on average, about 80% less life enhancing HGH than in your youth.
So how do we increase the level of HGH into our bodies in an effort to reverse the visible signs of aging?
Here are some facts:
- You cannot get HGH from food regardless of your diet
- HGH is released in the greatest amount at night while we sleep.
- Synthetic HGH is available in injection form but is costly ( $1500 to $2000 per injection) and not natural to the body. Also there are pills and sprays that have been known to produce negative side effects.
- The best way to increase the amount of HGH is by taking
supplements that stimulate the bodies own ablity to produce HGH. There are good supplements available to accomplish this.
- Taking Supplements instead of pure HGH has proven extremely effective and much safer.
After taking a recommended HGH supplement you should start noticing in about 30 days:
- Strengthened immune system.
- Release your own natural growth hormone.
- Cleansing of all your organs.
- Strengthend muscles without exercise.
- Improved digestion and breathing.
- Increased bone density.
- Increased energy level.
- Smoother skin.
- Lowered cholesterol.
- Improved mental clarity and memory.
- Improved/Stabilized blood pressure.
- Improved libido
So, keep in mind , you can actually increase the level of HGH in your body without actually taking pure HGH.
Be wary of HGH sprays and injections they are costly and unnatural.
The key is finding the best anti aging supplement that produces HGH naturally and safely, which lets your body do the work naturally! The good news is there are many HGH elevating supplements available that are both safe and effective .
For more information:
Information on supplements that natuarally elevate HGH levels in your body - Anti-aging and HGH - human growth hormone
What Are The Best Anti Aging Treatments
So, we presently know that aging has gone fully out of style. What is the deal here? I thought that with age came maturity and respect. Presently though these days people are treated like they have the plague or something. Well, I should probably be more specific. This contemporary craze essentially concerns the softer sex, but is having some bearing on men lately. Hence the recent plethora of skin care lines for him. Regardless of this inevitable affliction, most individuals getting up in the years aren't going to sit down and grow old gracefully. Surely not with the vast spectrum of anti aging treatments available these days. What are you dipping into in order to keep your precious mug from acquiring wrinkles?
Wow, the market of anti aging treatments must make a killer profit now days. If I had only started the industry of wrinkle creams, I'd maybe have cash coming out of my ears by now. Everywhere I turn recently, I spot a new ad for a variety of anti aging treatments. This is plain and simply a non-stop money-maker. Do you have a contemporary and exclusive concept for some miracle cream that can make the human face look 10 years younger? If you do, I highly suggest you get it out there. With the current demand for anti aging treatments, I don't see how you could go wrong. When it comes to these products, I believe the key is starting young. You know, begin pampering and taking ideal care of you skin while you're still wrinkle-free. This is the best way to prevent wrinkles from rearing their ugly little heads. What anti aging treatments are now gracing your bathroom sink? Even though I can't tell you the absolute perfect one to purchase, I can tell you that there are options galore. In reality the best way to obtain one that suits you is by trial and error. The key is knowing what you need. What is your skin type and/or skin condition? If you know this then you're ahead of the game. Now you should proceed in trying one of the most recommended anti aging treatments available. If you have no idea where to attain information regarding cosmetics and anti aging treatments, look no further than your PC or Mac. Countless reviews and testimonials can be found through on the World-Wide-Web. Once you've determined what product should suit your face, browse through cyberspace to find it at the lowest cost.Although it obvious none of us can prevent the reality of aging, we can fight it every step of the way.
Mitch Hampson is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Acne Cleansers so if you would like more information on this subject please checkout his website at http://www.beatacne.info
This article is shareware. Give this article away for free on your site, or include it as part of any paid
package as long as the entire article is left intact including all live links. Copyright © 2006 Mitchell
Anti Aging Skin Care Tips
Skin care therapy is a well-established process known to many of us. Anti aging skin care tips can highlight the main theme behind the aging factor. How to keep your skin soft and shiny and not revealing your age is all about the tips.
How To Go With That!
Many cosmetic experts have suggested a number of ways to maintain healthy skin. A few of those can be listed below: -
1. You must accept that medicine cures seldom.
2. Anti aging skin care products are the supplementary method of retarding age clock.
3. No wonder, your age can be visually reduced to look you younger.
4. If you follow the experts’ advice, the ball is on your court. Simply select the skin care products approved by your expert.
5. Never use too much anti aging medicine at a stretch. It can’t make your skin soft like a child.
6. As you know that your tenderly skin is very sensitive to external object, use the prescribed product step by step and note the result.
Considering the type of your skin, try some easily available home made solution for your skin problem:-
1. Wash your skin with warm water.
2. Cleanse your skin with medicated soap.
3. Use antibacterial cleansing lotion to avoid skin rashes.
4. Use light antiseptic anti aging cosmetic product for smooth function.
5. You can use a mask of clay or mud.
6. To remove the aging wrinkle below your eyes, you can use anti aging eye cream.
7. Your lips may look protruding due to age; try using anti aging lip balm lip mask to get a comfortable result.
8. Avoid taking oily stuff.
9. Eat green vegetable, fruits and plenty of milk.
10. And don’t forget to drink sufficient pure water.
The Ball Is Rolling, Catch It!
Following the tips is important if you want to get results. Anti aging skin care medicines are also available that gives positive result. However, you must consult your doctor before trying any over the counter medicine.
Our experts have executed the best research on anti aging skin care products. Check it out on the anti aging skin care medicines source. More on anti aging on http://www.leandernet.com/Anti_aging/Anti_aging.php
Restore Your Lost Youth - Naturally
Is it our fate to merely be young in our teens till perhaps our 30’s, and then without any alternative, just join middle and old age?
Can we really restore our lost youth, naturally without surgery and expensive medications? We can, as our body is inexorably linked to our mind and those morphogenetic fields that determine our future.
The Konov Principle
Named after the Russian artist and creative thinker, Sergey Konov, the Konov Principle, once learned, will let you recover your youthful thoughts, and those thoughts will lead the body to a more youthful and healthy appearance.
This is because the body will respond to the mind’s instructions, and the mind always follows the morphogenetic pattern which it perceives.
How the Konev Principle Works
Based on the mechanism of genetic memory (which is grounded in morphogenetic field by Rupert Sheldrake who postulated the mind has all the records of what occurred in our youth, including the production of youthful hormones known as Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
By accessing the genetic memory, one can re-awaken the processes that took place in our youth, and at least in part, re-start them
Studies have shown that when we live a natural life in clean unpolluted air, eat natural food, and have an active life, we retain a youthful appearance anyway into old age.
The effects of modern life mask our genetic memories, and we begin to adopt life-styles that age us prematurely. The Konev Principle works to restore those essential parts of our genetic memory.
An good example would be where we watch a game of sports, say football, and recall it was a favorite of ours in our youth.
Something in the mind is activated, and we suddenly desire to play football again.
Granted, the body may not now be equipped to play, but the mind has perceived that playing is possible, and desirable. The Konov Principle is at work, as the genetic memory is accessed.
Turning Genetic Memory to Our Advantage
Having regained the desire for football, with the mind assisting the body, we might start a diet, go to a gym, and begin to bring the body into shape. Once started, the body will produce its own HGH, testosterone, and other enzymes that will aid the body in its desire to regain the lost youth.
You will look and feel younger. You will produce your own HGH, and you will find your health and appearance improving as collateral benefits to your effort.
Since all memories are stored in some mechanism of the brain (we assume) that is not fully explainable, we also then have to assume the genetic memory of physiochemical events that took place in our youth can be recalled (if not to mind, to the control mechanism that activates the endocrine system).
Pre-Mature Aging and the Genetic Memory
We age, and perhaps pre-maturely due to our shutting out the genetic memories of our lost youth, seek relief in creams, in beauty treatments and exotic medications, but in fact, pre-mature aging in only a symptom of forgetting our genetic memory.
Genetic Memory Exercise
With some basic relaxation exercises accomplished, and in a contemplative state, visualize yourself in your golden moments of youth.
Remember consciously when you were strong and in full recent growth, and see yourself again in that appearance. Visualize yourself as looking in a mirror, and see yourself as you were, not are. You can also visualize yourself as you wish to be,
This exercise, done daily for as little as 10 minutes, will relax you, but more importantly, will help you to open the doorway to your genetic memory (whether or not you can perceive it). Your body cannot help but respond.
Granted at 60 you will not look 30 again, but you will look a youthful 60, and that may mean 50, or less. You will look it and begin to feel it.
More FREE information
On being healthy and living an active life and for various features and articles on a wide variety of subjects visit http://www.net-planet.org
Supplements for Anti Aging Skin Care
Wrinkles. We all fear the one moment when we see the signs of age start to appear on our faces. It is a process that is undeniably depressing, especially when we are used to having smooth clear skin. While it is an event that will strike each and every one of us, there are anti aging skin care supplements that can pause time. For many, this could be a dream come true.
The best part about anti-aging skin care is that there are no known side effects. Unless you take them every hour of the day, you will only end up with smooth and firm skin. Unlike weight loss supplements, you do not have to worry about seizures and restlessness. Many of these diet supplements are used to help your body naturally protect aging. While there are products that do contain chemicals, many of these creams and pills actually are 100% natural. In simpler terms, this means that anti-aging skin care contains collagen and herbal supplements. These supplements will add moisture to your skin and make it appear fresh and young.
The strongest type of anti aging cream contains Retin A. If you have sensitive skin, it is crucial that you stay away from such strong ingredients. However, if your skin is aging badly and it needs immediate rejuvenation, then this type of formula could be great for you. Before you consider using such a powerful treatment, you may want to approach your dermatologist and ask what is best for your type of skin. If you are more on the dry side, and are desperate for a new glow, products with soy extract will do the trick. This usually helps break down the dryness and allows the skin to become more moisturized. There are many products that actually combine both moisturizer and anti aging cream in one. This way a consumer can easily avoid dryness, yet still try to stop the hands of time.
When purchasing anti aging skin care, it is essential to get two types of products. Day time creams are a lot lighter and usually contain SPF to protect you from the strong sun. Most people love this type of item because it also contains natural supplements such as Vitamin C, Vitmain E, and Zinc. All of these diet supplements are wonderful, if you are looking to give your skin a makeover. While this is a great item to have, it won’t work as well at night. For this reason, you should also purchase a night time cream. Many of these masks contain a thicker substance, which will dig deep in your pores and help with the elasticity of your skin.
No matter how badly your skin looks, anti aging skin care will help you rewind time. Although it can only do so much, this type of healthy enhancement will make your skin glow and look firm and youthful. Surprisingly, many young adults are now taking matters into their own hands and using this type of supplement, before they even have to. With skin being one of our top priorities, these products should be used before time does attack.
Natalie Aranda writes on health and beauty. The best part about anti-aging skin care is that there are no known side effects. Unless you take them every hour of the day, you will only end up with smooth and firm skin. Unlike diet supplements, you do not have to worry about seizures and restlessness. Many of these diet supplements are used to help your body naturally protect aging. While there are products that do contain chemicals, many of these creams and pills actually are 100% natural.
How To Choose an Organic Bovine Colostrum Supplement
As new information continues to emerge regarding the health benefits of organic bovine colostrum, interest in this natural dietary supplement continues to grow. In response, many manufacturers now offer both non-organic and organic bovine colostrum supplements that are obtained from a variety of different colostrum sources and processed using a variety of different techniques.
Since there can be a correspondingly wide variation in the safety and overall effectiveness of these supplements, further consideration of both their colostrum sources and processing techniques has become increasingly important for choosing the most beneficial among them.
Choosing organic bovine colostrum is good in the same way that choosing organic foods is good. Although it has been difficult to determine with scientific certainty the overall effects of pesticides on human health, it is believed that organic foods are more nutritious largely because organically grown plants are more healthy.
In a similar way, the quality of bovine colostrum depends largely on the health of the cow that manufactures it. Cows that have been fed diets based on pesticide-laden plants, or have been subjected to drugs like growth hormones or antibiotics, are in general less healthy than their organically raised counterparts. This reduces the quality of the colostrum they produce, and increases their potential for harm through the transmission of the toxins these cows ingest.
Choosing organic bovine colostrum that is taken immediately after calves are born and harvested from very large source herds is even better. Colostrum taken within 24 hours after calving will have higher concentrations of beneficial components and greater immunotherapeutic potential, and larger source herds produce colostrum having a higher degree of uniformity from batch to batch.
Another issue that may be important to consider has to do with the diet of the source cows. Because pasture-fed cows are exposed by grazing to the complete spectrum of antigens in their natural habitat, they must develop a stronger natural immunity.
It is suggested that this may make organic bovine colostrum from pasture-fed sources more effective through the adoptive transfer of this enhanced immunity to humans. Since organic herds in the US are in general not pasture fed, many manufacturers now source their colostrum from New Zealand and Australia, where pasture feeding is common.
Choosing an organic bovine colostrum supplement that is processed fresh, and uses a low-heat drying technique will ensure that its beneficial components retain their maximum activity and health benefits. Many manufacturers require freezing of their source colostrum for transport, and some require the application of heat for the processing of their colostrum supplements.
Previously frozen products are limited in how they can be processed, and alternate processing techniques can yield colostrum supplements that are insoluble in water and therefore less biologically active in the body.
Finally, the application of heat in the manufacturing process can denature many of the protein components of the source colostrum, and colostrum supplements manufactured using excessive heat in general contain lower levels of important colostrum components and decreased biological activity.
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Living With Old Age And Stress...
Living With Old Age And Stress...
By Javier Fuller
Living With Old Age And Stress...
There are two kinds of old ages. Old age of the physical body and old age of the mental body. Nobody can stop the aging process of the physical body. But it is possible for you to keep the mind agile and active to a great extent.
Any individual who can meet the challenges of old age, is the real hero in life. If you are seventy years of age, don't think that you are seventy. Think that you are twenty. For, they say, fifty is the youth of old age.
The real problem of old age comes, if you are isolated. If you are part of the family and if your spouse is supportive, children helpful, have grandchildren to play with, where could stress find place in your life?
Such grandfathers/grandmothers are capable of cracking jokes against others/amongst others/ and against their own selves!
And those who can crack jokes against their own personality, are the strongest individuals and stress won't bother them at all! For laugher is contagious. If you laugh, you make others too laugh!
Your retirement date is just a few months away. You are under great stress. How would be the life like? You feel that it is full of uncertainties. But I have met many people, who are leading a very happy post-retirement life. “It is the beginning of a new life. The real life has begun after the retirement, they say. And if you have carefully planned your retirement life, with proper financial planning, your family members will be more considerate to you, as they know that you have a sound bank balance!
Old age is not an accident of life. It is an unavoidable incident of life. You know that it is coming. It has to come! So, why worry over the inevitable? But, if you don't make proper plans for your retirement, you are to blame yourself for that.
Even after retirement, you need to have a proper time-management budget. No doubt, you don't have office schedule or the bothersome business schedule. You have lots of time to waste!
Yet you must formulate the art of remaining busy in style, without the stress on your body and mind. You have the experience of the whole life behind you and therefore it is possible for you to confidently chalk out a plan for meeting the possible stress. You have the capability and experience, to treat stress as a joke!
Yes, life is a comedy for those who have the capacity to enjoy!
http://www.aboutstressmanagement.com/stressrelief/ & Stress Management provides detailed information on stress management, ways to manage stress, stress management tips and more.
Anti Aging Skincare Products - 10 Frequently Asked Questions
Are you really searching out for some remedies that can bring back your youthful look without putting your skin at risk? The anti aging skin care treatment is the only remedy for you. Here are some tips to guide you with the proper anti aging skin treatment.
Do you know the cause of skin aging?
The primary cause of skin aging is due to sun damage and to some extent genetic factors are responsible.
When do you start aging process?
Normally, when you are in your late 20s or 30s, your skin aging process starts.
What are the signs?
The visible signs may include wrinkles, loose skin, fine line or even larger pores on your skin.
How anti aging skin care supplements revitalize your dull and dry skin?
Anti aging skin care supplements radically improve your outlook by nourishing you from inside out.
What are anti aging skin care products?
Anti aging skin care products prevent general ageing of the skin by providing reinforced protection against daily aggression.
What are the types of anti aging skin care products?
Anti aging skin care products are available for both men and women. You can select from cleansing gels, facial creams & lotions, multi-active toner, face emulsions, shaving creams, shaving lotions, etc.
What about those dark under eye circles, or your lips?
There are effctive anti aging cosmetic products for that also.
Are there separate anti aging products for either sex?
Anti-aging products for men are specifically formulated to enhance the texture of a man’s thicker and tougher skin as compared to a woman’s skin that is far more soft and delicate.
What are anti aging skin care supplements usually composed of?
Anti aging skin care supplements contain a mixture of herbs; minerals and vitamins that are essential to slow the aging of your dry and dull skin and retain its youthfulness.
Worry about side effect?
Almost all of these anti aging skin care medicines are enriched with the kindness of nature. So you need not to worry about any severe side effects.
Our experts have executed the best research on anti aging skin care treatment . Check it out on the anti aging skin care supplements source. More on anti aging on http://www.leandernet.com/Anti_aging/Anti_aging.php