Celebrity Beauty: My Five Step Antiaging Product Routine To Delay The Aging Process
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My Five Step Antiaging Product Routine To Delay The Aging Process

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Choosing the best antiaging product eventually comes down to what suits your skin. There are different skin types to consider when coming up with a reliable antiaging routine and it took me a little trial and error to finally arrive at a regime that suited me. You'll need to do a little due diligence but in the end, the "legwork" you perform will be more than worth it.

Determining Your Skin Type

It's important to remember that all products are not created equal. If you are a little concerned about your skin reacting to various antiaging agents in some products then get some advice. Visiting a dermatologist might be a good option as they will be able to determine what you need to help your skin. A dermatologist report will help you steer clear of certain agents that could prove harmful particularly if you have sensitive skin.

An Antiaging Routine

As a television presenter, I eventually had to seek out an antiaging routine because I found that daily makeup combined with sitting under hot studio lighting was having an effect on the moisture aspect of my skin. Bear in mind that as a guy, deciding to search for an antiaging product routine was a big decision; it's not something one would discuss with his buddies down at the local pub. I sought advice from people who were qualified to make an assessment and this included nutrition experts and skin specialists.

Here is my five step process for combating the ravages of aging:

1. Nutrition... not just in the foods I eat but I take optimal amounts of nutrition in the shape of antioxidants and minerals. Look for a product that can provide the complete range of vitamins and minerals, not just in isolated doses.

2. Stick with a product once you find it doesn't have any adverse effects on your skin. Avoid jumping onto the latest skin care fad that comes along. If you are happy with a product why change? Changing to another brand could cause a reaction of sorts in your skin.

3. Use a combination of a daily cleanser, a toner, a protective emulsion with sunscreen capabilities and eye cream. These four products form the basis of my daily morning routine and I have to say, I have no complaints whatsoever. You'll need to get advice on what works best for you.

4. Some suggest using a night cream but I repeat the cleanser and toner applications combined with the eye cream and it suits me fine although I'm not suggesting that a night cream won't be suitable for you. This is a personal choice.

5. Once or twice a week, use an exfoliating process such as a mask which will help cleanse your skin and open up your pores.

Whatever antiaging product you decide on remember, if you are happy with it, resist the temptation to change it. A combination of a nutrition and skin care based routine is hard to beat.

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Discover the benefits of an antiaging product along with antiaging news and reviews at http://www.anti-aging-solutions.com

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